Full Sparring Kit Bundle! – Only Medium Size Available


Sparring Kit Bundle includes Full Kit and the Kit Bag for free (normal cost £35!).

PLEASE EMAIL US – To finance the kit over 3 months.

Head guard, Gloves and gum shield are now required to progress from Yellow Belt to Green Tag.
This is the Junior pack (which can be found here https://www.warrioracademy.co.uk/product/junior-sparring-kit-bundle/)

Feet Pads, Shin Pads and Groin Guard are now required to progress from Green tag to Green belt and become a senior. This is the Senior pack which can be found here (https://www.warrioracademy.co.uk/product/senior-sparring-kit-bundle/).

Size is an estimate – we will fit students in class with the perfect fitting kit.

For senior students full sparring kit is essential to grade from blue tag onwards as this is the level at which we assess sparring. Students need a good 6-12 months to prepare for their blue tag grading and therefor we advise students to start sparring from white belt or yellow tag.

Sparring kit is a long term investment. We have searched long and hard for the sparring equipment that is both comfortable, offers maximum protection and is easy to take on and off while not weighing students down. This item can be used in the amateur semi contact competitions students may wish to enter at a more advanced level. The kit certainly lasts a very long time, our Instructors report using this equipment for 15 years+!

Should a student leave us or you feel sparring is not for them we are happy to purchase the kit back (providing it is in good condition) for £30.

Category: Product ID: 11166


Special Note Dated 7th January 2020: We expected our delivery of sparring kit to arrive very soon but it has been delayed until approximately May time, due to the ongoing issue in China.

Sparring kit is extremely low at present, however, instructors will do their best to have spare kit in class for anyone who pre-orders their sparring kit via our shop.

Sparring Kit Bundle includes Full Kit and the Kit Bag for free (normal cost £35!).

PLEASE EMAIL US – To finance the kit over 3 months.

Head guard, Gloves and gum shield are now required to progress from Yellow Belt to Green Tag.
This is the Junior pack (which can be found here https://www.warrioracademy.co.uk/product/junior-sparring-kit-bundle/)

Feet Pads, Shin Pads and Groin Guard are now required to progress from Green tag to Green belt and become a senior. This is the Senior pack which can be found here (https://www.warrioracademy.co.uk/product/senior-sparring-kit-bundle/).

Size is an estimate – we will fit students in class with the perfect fitting kit.

For senior students full sparring kit is essential to grade from blue tag onwards as this is the level at which we assess sparring. Students need a good 6-12 months to prepare for their blue tag grading and therefor we advise students to start sparring from white belt or yellow tag.

Sparring kit is a long term investment. We have searched long and hard for the sparring equipment that is both comfortable, offers maximum protection and is easy to take on and off while not weighing students down. This item can be used in the amateur semi contact competitions students may wish to enter at a more advanced level. The kit certainly lasts a very long time, our Instructors report using this equipment for 15 years+!

Should a student leave us or you feel sparring is not for them we are happy to purchase the kit back (providing it is in good condition) for £30.