warrior-academy-freshford-11-compressorMartial Arts classes in Wiltshire, Somerset and Dorset – 15.9
Instructor Matts blog update:

Courtesy – Integrity – Perseverance – Self Control – Indomitable Spirit

These are the tenets of traditional Taekwondo and it is these attributes that we instil into all of our students who are part of our warrior family.

It’s great to be back and see everybody after the summer break! Sounds like everyone had a fantastic time and good to see happy faces, new and old, coming to training fresh and ready to learn some more martial arts!

I have listed the five tenets of Taekwondo at the top of the page because I want to highlight that we don’t just learn how to fight at The Warrior Academy. We ensure that all of our students adhere to the above tenets when in class and with time they spill out into all aspects of their lives, helping them to deal with whatever life throws at them. Giving them the drive to keep going when things get tough, the confidence to stick to what they believe in and not to bow to peer pressure, and the self control to stay focused on their life goals. Be it a dream job when they grow up or plans to travel the world, we feel that we can help our students be successful whatever they want to do as we help develop them as martial artists and people. As a club we also provide solid support as our students go through stressful or trying times. In September there are always changes for everybody. Be it change of school or at home, exams or even just moving up a year, we remain consistent, a solid foundation to help them through to the other side, whatever their going through. And as everyone knows, training makes you feel good! Its great to see the constant progression of our young warriors and how they support each other in the class. We have had some new students begin their own black belt journey with us this term and its great to see our young warriors instantly making them feel welcome into our warrior family! We are very proud of our students and how they conduct themselves.

On that note I would like to announce that the students who have worked so hard in the Kali course have all passed earning their Kali patch. It took a lot of hard work and outstanding effort from everybody to pass what was a tough course, so a big well done to those guys! As the Kali course ends we are moving on to learn the ancient art of Nunchuku. These skills have been in martial arts for over 3000 years and its great to be passing them on to our students. We are also beginning another advanced class at our dojo in Downton. Starting with the art of the Bo. Learning weapons skills massively improves focus and coordination and also takes a good amount of self control, perfect for any aspiring warrior. Its great to be able to provide this opportunity to our young warriors and hopefully we will have an advanced class near you very soon.

We have been busy in class learning our new combinations and self defence last week after the summer break. This week we are concentrating on strikes and combinations, using focus pads to perfect our technique, then applying them to pad and sparring drills!

Look forward to seeing you all in class!

Instructor Matt

www.warrioracademy.co.uk/trial – Martial Arts classes in Wiltshire and Somerset
Instructor Martin’s blog update:
The Warrior Academy returns with all the excitement, commitment and dedication for the start of the new term. During the holiday season many of the students had come to our more specialised summer sessions where we covered such subjects as Agility, Mindfulness, and Sparring along with some fun based challenges and all the classes were received with great enthusiasm.
This week has been about refreshing the mind on recovering skills, combinations and elements of training to bring students back to the Warrior Academy mentality and methodology as well as shaking off those holiday blues. From an instructor point of view it was great to see such amazing excitement from all the students as they entered the Dojo with a keenness and curiosity for what will unfold over the coming weeks and months, what was also interesting was the thirst expressed by many for the new skills, knowledge and personal developments they will all achieve as they progress through the training path.
Over the coming weeks there will be more challenges and as we’ve seen in the past the students will continue to develop more confidence, skills and strong friendships as they progress towards the black belt!
‘Don’t limit your challenges….. Challenge your limits! ‘

Well done all and see you in class!


www.warrioracademy.co.uk/trial – Martial Arts classes in Wiltshire and Somerset