#118 Mat Chat! A Story About Confidence

How confident is your child?

If you’d like to learn how to develop your child’s confidence, conduct and concentration, you NEED to take the breakthrough area assessment! It will give you unique insights into your child’s 3Cs, click the link to access:


In this episode, we dive into the importance of confidence in martial arts and character development. Through a compelling story, we learn how hard work, dedication, and the right mindset can help anyone become a master of martial arts and gain the confidence needed to succeed in life.

Topics Discussed:

– Introduction to mat chats in the Warrior Academy

– The significance of confidence in martial arts and character development

– Story of a young martial artist named Sarah

– Sarah’s nervous demonstration of martial arts moves

– Instructor’s congratulatory words and the importance of confidence and  self-discipline

– Tips on improving confidence and self-discipline in martial arts

– The moral of the story: Anyone can become a master of martial arts with hard work and dedication

– Three action points for building confidence: 1. Practice regularly and be mindful of thoughts and emotions 2. Focus on breathing and stay attentive to the task at hand 3. Remember that martial arts is about developing character and having the courage to stand up for what is right

If you enjoyed this mat chat and want to stay updated with more episodes, consider subscribing to this podcast or the Warrior Academy YouTube channel. Listening to mat chats can help students apply the lessons from the dojo to their daily lives. To learn more about assessing your child’s three C’s (Confidence, Conduct, and Concentration), visit www.breakthrougharea.com.

Thank you for tuning in to this episode of the Warrior Academy podcast. More insightful content to support your child’s character development is coming soon!

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